
Match results
Team 1
Team 2
Match Date
AfghanistanUgandaAfghanistan6 wicketsDubaiNov 13, 2013Other T20
BermudaCanadaBermuda3 wicketsICCA 2 DubaiNov 13, 2013Other T20
Hong KongKenyaKenya3 wicketsAbu DhabiNov 13, 2013Other T20
ItalyNetherlandsNetherlands6 wicketsICCA DubaiNov 13, 2013Other T20
NamibiaScotlandScotland9 wicketsAbu DhabiNov 13, 2013Other T20
U.A.E.DenmarkU.A.E.6 wicketsTolerance OvalNov 13, 2013Other T20
IrelandP.N.G.P.N.G.18 runsICCA DubaiNov 13, 2013Other T20
NepalU.S.A.U.S.A.5 wicketsAbu DhabiNov 13, 2013Other T20
AfghanistanCanadaCanada7 wicketsAbu DhabiNov 12, 2013Other T20
DenmarkHong KongHong Kong140 runsDubaiNov 12, 2013Other T20
KenyaNamibiaKenya37 runsICCA 2 DubaiNov 12, 2013Other T20
BermudaItalyItaly2 runsAbu DhabiNov 12, 2013Other T20
IrelandNetherlandsIreland6 wicketsAbu DhabiNov 12, 2013Other T20
P.N.G.UgandaP.N.G.6 wicketsTolerance OvalNov 12, 2013Other T20
ScotlandU.S.A.Scotland7 wicketsICCA DubaiNov 12, 2013Other T20
U.A.E.NepalNepal5 wicketsICCA 2 DubaiNov 12, 2013Other T20
Adjust:Most recentPast weekPast MonthPast year4 years10 years25 years
Performances in matches that overlap decades are credited to the year in which they occurred - this results in some unknown data, especially in regard to bowling figures
Performances in matches that overlap years are credited to the year in which they occurred - this results in some unknown data, especially in regard to bowling figures
Records includes the following current or recent matches:

Afghanistan v Uganda at Dubai, Nov 13, 2013 [Other T20]

Bermuda v Canada at ICCA 2 Dubai, Nov 13, 2013 [Other T20]

Hong Kong v Kenya at Abu Dhabi, Nov 13, 2013 [Other T20]