
Rudi Bryson Benefit Year July 2000 - July 2001

Rudi Bryson was recently granted a Benefit Year by the Northerns Cricket Union

K Lane
Rudi Bryson was recently granted a Benefit Year by the Northerns Cricket Union. Rudi has served the union with distinction since 1992 and has played a key role in the emergence of Northerns Cricket over the past decade. He was duly rewarded for these efforts by achieving National Honours in the 1996/1997 season. We trust that sponsors and public alike will recognize Rudi's achievements by supporting him during his Benefit Year.
E_MAIL: - rudi@rudibryson.co.za and/or slm@mweb.co.za WEBSITE: www.rudibryson.co.za
"I look forward to your support during my Benefit Year" - Rudi Bryson